Darkest Dungeon Build Update 7547 in highly compressed form without viruses. Download complete game from here. Gamesena.com also provides crack patch of this game. This month Darkest Dungeon introduces the Antiquarian and many economy changes. To the hardcore fans who went through insane amounts of grinding and 100s of weeks worth of dungeon crawling the update from this month may seem like a huge nerf-bat, but it will come handy to those just starting their frustr. This is a patch for the Twilight Knight by Balgin to make it compatible with Pitch Black Dungeon. Load the Twilight Knight above PBD, and this patch above both.
My reddit account tends to more and more become a bot-like creature asking the dumbest possible questions. To maintain this status:
How do I update/patch my game manually?
I own and installed the GoG Version, but I don't want to use Galaxy as I hate this kind of client stuff.
Is there any way I can do the Update manually? A launcher? An .exe in the game directory? A Web download that allows me to just overwrite the files? Anything oldschool NOT linked to a fucking Software-disease overflodding my PC?
Quick Heal Antivirus Pro Update Patch Download
I feel old writing this, but fiercly I have to press on.
Edit: Should have mentioned, that the game tells me 'Darkest Dungeon Update: The Door To Hell Awaits. You have only but to take it.'