Square Enix allegedly said that Final Fantasy XIII runs at 60 FPS, but locked at a maximum resolution of 720p. No worries though, because an ingenious user going by the name of Peter “Durante” Thoman, who has a record of fixing great titles such as Dark Souls, has come up with a patch that will give gamers the chance to play Final Fantasy. FINAL FANTASY XIII full game nosTEAM download here ->. FINAL FANTASY XIII patch update-#3 FIXED nosTEAM download here ->> Download patch here: click here Included Japanese voice and English subtitles. If you want to play game windowed go to game folder and run Launcher-Windowed file. FFXIII PC patch is now Live. Anyone who claims their PC is a gaming one should hardware-wise be absolutely able to run XIII at higher framerates. As evident by this thread and the game itself, they still can't, so it's just a very badly optimized game, not 'visually demanding'. Final Fantasy just got a patch.
Posted byUnfortunately, ESC still exits you out of the game (... why?!) and you have a big ass download. On the positive, at least Square gave us Japanese voices which lots of hardcore JRPG fans and non-English speaking fans appreciate, and it seems that one of the developers is active in the forums. If he delivers we might get a patch to fix this bullshit.
And guys, be realistic here. We've had worst ports in the past. I still enjoyed the hell out of Dark Souls even though it's the worst port in history. Let's be glad that the mistakes of bad ports can at the very least be fixed. I'd rather have a bad port that can be made amazing than a mediocre port that will only get worst over time.
Edit: Apparently Durante is a wizard. He's posting 3200x1800 screenshots. Damn, he pretty much fixed the entire game. Just check out his posts here.
Final Fantasy 13 Download Free
Durante, the wizard who fixed Dark Souls and improved Dark Souls II is working on a 'FFFix'. It is in pre-alpha and if you've enjoyed his work on Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition then you maybe might consider donating enough to buy him a beer. By no means should a game have to be fixed, but the fact that we're dedicated and talented enough shows the desire of the PC gaming community for good games, and with Dark Souls II developers took notice. Maybe we'll rely on fixes for year old console ports Squareeeenix never though would sell more than enough to break even, but now they're going to have to take notice and maybe make Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 among the best we've seen.