0 Komentar untuk Dracu-riot! The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on a holiday to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city where gambling and the sex industry are legal. However, his holiday plans are laid to waste after he gets involved in a kidnapping; to make matters worse, he ends up getting turned into a vampire. Visual Novels 24002 Releases 58622 Producers 8193 Characters 77627 Staff 17082 VN Tags 2382 Character Traits 2472 Users 140336 Threads 11051 Posts 120317.
Specific Games
My tools that works only to a specified game. (unfortally)
Please note, all tools here is a modded version of the engine using my StringReloads tool to inject the translation,
If you have any problem, before report try download the lastest version of the SRL in this git: https://github.com/marcussacana/StringReloads
Before publish!
Please learn how to use the SRL, I saw groups releasing games without a proper 'user-end' build of patch,
You don't neeed share .lst, don't need of the StringReloads directory and don't need that console window to be shown!
Why my game don't have a correct tool?
Chrono Clock
Bypass the fucking encryption.
Princess Evangile
The fucking SJIS encoding changed to ANSI
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
(Trying promote any tl proj to any lang, because i want read this novel a day.)
Galaxy Angel - Eternal Lovers
Requested by a friend
YoakeRuri and ~Da Capo~
The fucking SJIS encoding changed to ISO-8859-1
Kyuuketsuki no Libra
Bypass the fucking encryption; Font redirected to 'Gothic Modded'
If My Heart Had Wings (and Flight Diary)
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
Atelier Firis - The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
Bypass the Encryption
Includes third-party tools, Credits in the rar.
Neptunia Re;Birth 1, 2 & 3
Add Wordwrap + Auto Char Replace
If you have stability issues, try apply the x64_patch
Hoshizora no Memoria
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
Illusion Play Home English Patch Download
Little Busters! English Edition
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
Note: This use a specific build of the SRL, don't update it! (Uses a outdated version of the DllExport)
A Clockwork Ley-Line: The Borderline of Dusk
Fucking Script Encryption And change the encoding to one compatible with accents
Note: A tool to the PAC file is present in my github, for now, can't decode the image format.
- Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels);
- Add Fake Wordwrap (Engine Don't support breaklines)
- Font redirected to 'Gothic Modded'
(Proper tool now at: https://github.com/marcussacana/MajiroStringEditor)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
I have no idea, initially would make a suitable tool for the game...
However after some tests I noticed a common point where all the texts of the game pass, which is completely connient to use with SRL.
Magical Marriage Lunatics!!
Well... The SJIS Encoding, Font redirected to Gothic Modded
Requested, Bypass the encryption and put accents to works.
Dracu Riot Routes
Sorcery Jokers
Bypass the encryption and put accents to works.
Special thanks to the BinaryFail, he give info about the anti-debugger of this engine
Newton to Ringo no Ki
Allow uses a custom font
This patch don't allow reload the game text like others patch here, this patch is only to the font.
Unity Engine, Requested by a friend.
Text don't dumped, you need dump by your self.
Senjou no Folklore -Boukoku no Kishidan-
Requested By a Friend.
No Support to Accents!
Otome ga Kanaderu Koi no Aria
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
Sora to Umi ga, Fureau Kanata
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
If You Love Me, Then Say So!
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
Redirect Font
CROSS†CHANNEL (Steam Edition)
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
The Most Forbidden Love in the World
Edit-To-Corrupt Script-Style (Resize string affect the bytecode labels)
And possibility use the AdvHd Unicode Encoding (The script is 932 but when read the engine convert to utf-16)
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
Lazy to update my EthornelEditorAllow put patch files in the 'Patch' directory, and set custom fonts
Hello, Goodbye
Requested by a friendAllows Extract/Patch files
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed
Lazy to do a proper repack tool.
Date A Live - Rio Reincarnation
Lazy to do a proper script editor.